Sunday, August 9, 2015

Day 22 - Paint Selection

I spent, literally, hours fielding texts and calls and visits to my desk from people who were concerned that I wasn't "using a mask" while sanding these cabinets. Seriously. 

I grew up with lead based paint. I'm FINE! I'm sure I chewed on more window ledges with lead based paint than your average kid. Mom still says I'm "special".

But honestly, yes, I was using a mask, I was washing my hands before eating/drinking. I may have had an open water bottle in the general area, but I think I put the cap back on. I was being careful.

The point is...Thank you to all my friends for your concern. I know I made sarcastic remarks about not wearing a mask, and how much harm could it do, especially after my "college years"... but you all made me realize that I have great friends.  Safety first!! I'm impressed.

But all this got me to thinking...maybe sanding wasn't the best, or most efficient, method. I'd take the night to think about it.

So, I picked out paint. READ: I MADE A DECISION!!

I needed a little break (and a chocolate shake, but I denied myself!) and spent, easily, 45 minutes staring at colors at Sherwin Williams. I also talked to a few people in the same position (it always looks so good on the chip) and commiserated with a few others (I hate this process, I can't match socks). I ended up with a 3 color combination that I hope will work. But knowing myself as I do...I will change this scheme right up until the last possible moment. This is how I roll.

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