Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Day 7 - All Hail Hardwood Floors

The phone rang around 11 AM.  It was Mike and there was no "hello" when I answered, just "Jen". You know that tone, like when your parents are pissed, but worse because this is your contractor and holy shit, something is majorly wrong and it's going to cost you a weeks salary. But Mike's a little dry, so I didn't freak too much. I gave the standard cautious "yesss" and then I hear the sweetest words ever; "We officially have hardwood floors in the kitchen!" This was music to my ears; the best news I could have gotten.  Thank you, little house!!! Mwah!

This is an uptick in my budget, one less item to shop for, and everything I wanted to compliment my sink!

I'm not really sure who was more excited, Mike or myself (although I'm learning that Mike doesn't get excited. Or angry, or... anything). I am impressed by the condition and how good they look and also by the lack of glue that held down the felt or whatever was on the back of the 2nd layer of linoleum. He assures me that they will sand down with no issues and look really nice.  Yay me!

Mike also reminded me that I have to go pick out granite. Enough of this shopping! Granite, however, is a sticking point with me. I had it in my mind that I wanted quartz. Everything I read said "go quartz". It's not like I'm hard on a kitchen. I mean, I cook, but I know better than to put hot items on the counter top based on years having "not-quartz". But still. I had my heart set on a little combo of black based quartz with green flecks. With a back splash in muted green mini subway tile. Can you not picture it?! But the budget is the budget and even with the upswing of the hardwood floors over the tile floors, it still isn't feasible. Mainly because I want to spend that money elsewhere. I'm seriously going to learn how to stretch a dollar on this project. That's another goal!

Other than that...Day 7 was pretty damn good. I hope the hardwoods run into the laundry room. Fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! Love it!! Oh, and...picture of Mike, please?
