Thursday, July 23, 2015

Day 1 - The Clean Out Part 1

Two "not so good" things happened on my first day as an official homeowner. One, my folks left to go back home. The short sale closing had been postponed a week, they had scheduled the trip thinking I would have the house, but it just didn't happen.  Short sales suck. So while I had plenty of time to spend with them, the second "not so good" thing happened...

A heat wave.

Heat indexes of over 105 degrees.  I don't like to sweat, with certain exceptions. And my little house had no air conditioning. It was also full of STUFF. I was dreading it, but I was on a timeline. The contractors were coming on Monday or Tuesday. I had to suck it up and risk my manicure. I donned a sweat band, a tank top, tennis shoes and stopped at Dunkin Donuts. I couldn't start without coffee!

A big shout out goes to my friend Sue for working like a madwoman (and getting to the house before me) to help me clean out the attic full of paint and chemicals, the basement full of screens and storm windows and icky stuff in the old coal rooms. Plus the garage full of STUFF. I don't think I can ever repay her and she'll never really know what this meant to me! She saved my ass, big time.

My house was full of weird shit. And I do mean shit. Steak knives in strange places. Magic trick books. Balloon animal kits/tools (we think). Books on how to be an entrepreneur (I can only imagine), VCR tapes, clothes, bathroom items just left and...milar balloons. Not to mention the too numerous to count shelving units (which I will clean and keep). Seriously weird stuff to just LEAVE. OH and cookbooks of every genre imaginable. But Sue came to my rescue and worked non-stop for over 3 hours. In the heat. With me bitching about sweating. Because that's what I do.

Melissa brought me a (round) box fan, which made a huge difference. Thanks for my house warming gift!

She was followed by Bob and Anthony, who also helped move stuff around, bought me an air filter for the furnace (just to turn on the fan) and made me leave around 2:30 when the heat and humidity got unbearable. For them I am forever grateful.  I have wonderful friends.

Various people came to see the house in its "pre-renovation" state, which I highly encouraged. I'm pretty sure I didn't tell anyone that there was no A/C... Sorry!!

Thanks to Bridget, Cody and the kids for my blue bird of happiness, which makes my little home happy. And Monica for the coasters, which I will use! 

I'm sure I'm forgetting something or someone. It was sooooo damn hot that day!

The fruits of our labors on the first day included a small dent in the construction dumpster, a clean attic, a somewhat reorganized garage and several added items to my list of things to do/buy. 

1 comment:

  1. You are being tested for sure, going through that in a heat wave!!
